Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Are You Doing November 4 (or before)?

I haven't missed voting in an election since I was 18. When I was in 7th grade, I found an essay written by my Aunt when she was in high school. It was a history of the suffragette movement, something that, until that time, I knew almost nothing about.

If you're a woman, it's a discredit to our gender if you don't get out there and vote. Almost 90 years ago, women fought with everything they had to earn the right to vote. Can you imagine someone telling you, today, that you can't vote because you're a woman?

For a little humor, check this out:
If you're in an office, turn down the sound on the Borat parts. :)

If you know me, you know how I voted. Whether you're on the same team or on the other team, please - go vote next week.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

May I have your attention, please?

As of this morning at 10:30 a.m., I have voted. I am done. And while I love all of you, Republicans and Democrats ... I don't want to hear about it anymore. I don't want to talk about the election, I don't want to talk about the debates, I don't want to talk about ACORN or Ayers or Diebold or $21K for childcare. I don't want to talk about Mickey Mouse or Monica Key or POWs or women who shoot moose (meeses?).

This is the most distasteful, antagonistic, dishonest presidential campaign I've ever seen, and I am putting my foot down. It will not run my life anymore, it will not affect my mood anymore. From now on at the gym in the morning, I'll be watching videos while I'm on the elliptical. Or maybe smoothie ads. No more CNN and FOX.

I'm not even going to watch SNL anymore.

It's over for me. I'm done. Let's talk about the weather.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Soooooo, it's been a while!

Forgive me, my blogger police friends. I know it's been a long time since my last post. But the sadness of that one, plus two business trips back-to-back, plus a lovely holiday weekend ... well, let's just focus on the fact I'm back now, 'kay?

So many things have happened, and I'll update with photos soon. But while reading two other blogs, I became enchanted with a challenge they put forth: Both Christina and Michelle posted 100 things about themselves in answer to a challenge from their mutual friend. Do I even *know* 100 things about myself? Caviat: these are NOT in order of importance!

1. I love Diet Coke, but only drink it 2-3 times a week.
2. Sorry, Christina: Chick-fil-A has the best Diet Coke.
3. I love hash browns, but not the kind you make at home: the ones from Chick-fil-A and McDonald's are the best.
4. I do not like mushrooms of any kind, so don't ask.
5. I don't like snakes, either.
6. One time, I said a mild 4-letter-word while in a nature center when a park employee walked up behind me with a snake.
7. I was really mortified because I was chaperoning AK's class.
8. Fall is my absolute, hands-down favorite time of year.
9. Last night, I sat out on the patio with the dog and watched the moon rise while I shivered in the cool air.
10. No one else in the family knew where I was and for a few minutes, I was OK with that.
11. I love Disney World.
12. I don't have a favorite park; I love different things about all of them.
13. I will ride any roller coaster, at any time. Bring it, baby.
14. I will not ride anything that spins me around in a circle. Like, oh, tea cups.
15. I am a Georgia Bulldog fan.
16. I do not like U. of Florida, but will tolerate just about any other team.
17. I don't pay attention to the Falcons, but I think Matt Ryan might be a good addition.
18. I watch more sports than my husband.
19. High school football speaks to my heart: Friday Night Lights, cheering for the Cougars and dressing my children in blue and white!
20. Mean people frustrate me, but I'm working on it.
21. I didn't like it when we moved here, but I'm enjoying Columbus now.
22. I'm so very grateful for my family and friends.
23. I'm working on remembering to be grateful for everything in my life.
24. Cheetos - the crunchy kind - make me happy.
25. My friend Wendy introduced me to Hot Tamales, and it changed my life.
26. I have a 10-year-old girl.
27. And a 7-year-old boy.
28. They are who they are because they knew Christina and Michelle from the time they were three months old.
29. My children mean everything in the world to me and I'd do anything for them.
30. But I will *not* buy them any more Webkinz.
31. I know that the extra large Spacemaker storage bag holds 30 Webkinz and about 25 additional stuffed animals.
32. I am very demanding when it comes to my childrens' education.
33. I read voraciously.
34. But as I get older, I find myself reading only things that interest me.
35. I'm working on reading things that don't interest me to expand my knowledge.
36. I like Sarah Palin.
37. I hope McCain is our next president.
38. I truly, deeply believe McCain is the person we need to survive as a country.
39. I will gladly listen to other's political opinions and maybe even gently debate them - but I will not tolerate someone blanketly dissing my beliefs, nor will I do it to anyone else.
40. I am this many years old. :)
41. I think being 40 is cool.
42. I've learned to forgive myself more and care less about what other people think since turning 40.
43. My 40s will be the best years of my life, to date.
44. Because I say so.
45. I have become more spiritually focused since moving here.
46. I teach Sunday School 1 or 2 times a month.
47. I love what I do for a living.
48. My husband loves what he does for a living.
49. My husband inspires me in so many ways.
50. He is truly an involved, wonderful father.
51. My children are very lucky.
52. I consider our dog my canine child.
53. Our dog is very, very spoiled.
54. I love watching Ryan play soccer.
55. I am so excited about watching AK play her first tennis match tomorrow!
56. I would rather spend time with my family on the weekend.
57. I eat more candy than I should.
58. My regular gym visits have increased in the last two months.
59. I am so excited about our family vacation next summer I can't stand it.
60. I have a brother who is 3 years younger.
61. He has a gorgeous little girl who is a blast to be around.
62. I enjoy going out to dinner, but not as much as I used to.
63. I enjoy going out to eat when we're on vacation.
64. I love to shop online.
65. I love to window shop.
66. Most of my clothes are from J.Jill or Coldwater Creek or Ann Taylor Loft.
67. Everyone in my house has big blue eyes.
68. My canine child has golden eyes.
69. I never played sports as a child, but I love to play them now.
70. Rus proposed to me on Jekyll Island.
71. He tricked me, and I was completely speechless.
72. I said yes. :)
73. St. Simons is my go-to place when I need to relax and reconnect with myself and my family.
74. My favorite restaurants there are Gnat's Landing, Fourth of May and Sweet Mama's.
75. Cuddling and snuggling with my children makes me so happy.
76. I used to be blonde.
77. I still am, but I pay for it now.
78. I love one-on-one time with each of my children.
79. I love one-on-one time with Rus even more.
80. Our sitter is a fantastic person and a tremendous role model.
81. I find it hard to listen when people whine about what they don't have.
82. I own too many purses.
83. I would buy many more if I won the lottery.
84. Shoes - I can take them or leave them.
85. I love a new, well-fitting outfit that was bought on sale.
86. I've taught both my children to "never pay retail."
87. The rest of the house will be clean but my office is a federal disaster area.
88. I don't get paid to keep my office clean.
89. We have a maid service because I cannot stand cleaning.
90. I enjoy ironing clothes.
91. "Northern Exposure" is my favorite TV show ever.
92. "Men in Trees" is a close second.
93. Diana Gabaldon is my favorite author.
94. This Christmas, I will start a program to read the entire Bible in one year.
95. I am grateful for my clients.
96. I am grateful for my children.
97. I am grateful for my wonderful husband.
98. I am grateful for the strong relationship I have with my parents.
99. I am grateful that my brother says "I love you" every time we hang up the phone.
100. I am grateful for every person that read this list!