Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Is the contender REAAAAAAAAAAAAAADY?!?!

Have you ever watched "American Gladiators" on TV? (It's OK - I won't tell.) Rus and the children started watching it over Christmas break, then drifted away from it when the school year started up again. Now it's become a Monday-evening staple in our house. It's a truly ridiculous show ... but I decided to watch last night and give it a try. And it was AWESOME! Some of the challenges are impossible, and some I'm confident I could conquer (go with it ...).

In the spirit of the show, we've spent the last 24 hours working on our "gladiator names." Allow me to present:

Catch phrase: "There's a new sheriff in THIS hundred-acre wood!"
Trademark sound: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! (bear growling)

SISTA TWISTA!!! (Anna Katherine)
Catch phrase: "She'll BLOW YOU AWAY!"
Trademark sound: waaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (think tornado siren)

THE BIG 5-0!!! (Rus)
Catch phrase: "You don't want this po-po in YOUR house!"
Trademark sound: Woop woop woop! (police sirens)

MJ!!! (Maternal Justice) (Kim)
Catch phrase: "Because I SAID SO!"
Trademark sound: Mwa HA HA HA HA!

GODIVA!!! (Scout)
Catch phrase: "She make look sweet, but inside - SHE'S NUTS!"
Trademark sound: ArOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Coming to a network near you. :)

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You are never allowed to make fun of my TV-taste again, MJ. American Gladiators?!? I'll take Buffy the Vampire Slayer over that any day of the week! :)