Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tina Fey for President.

If you missed the season premiere of Saturday Night Live this weekend, you missed a doozy. The show opened with a "bipartisan message" from Gov. Sarah Palin and Senator Hilary Clinton (played by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, respectively).

NBC removed the full clip from YouTube, but it's here in this WSJ article about Tina Fey's return (it's also on my Facebook page if you're a friend):

Rus and I laughed until we couldn't breathe. As my friend Mark said, "Tina Fey does a better Sarah Palin than Sarah Palin."

Remember how hold-your-stomach-funny SNL used to be in the 80s and before? This skit is pretty darn close. Enjoy!


Kelly said...

Doug and I were laughing the whole time. It was great. She nailed the dialect and facial expression in such a short time. I honestly haven't laughed so hard at an SNL skit in a long time.

Wendy said...

That was hysterical - she really nailed Palin's persona! Thanks for posting this - I didn't see it on Saturday Night Live. I actually don't remember the last time I was awake at that hour. :)