Wednesday, October 22, 2008

May I have your attention, please?

As of this morning at 10:30 a.m., I have voted. I am done. And while I love all of you, Republicans and Democrats ... I don't want to hear about it anymore. I don't want to talk about the election, I don't want to talk about the debates, I don't want to talk about ACORN or Ayers or Diebold or $21K for childcare. I don't want to talk about Mickey Mouse or Monica Key or POWs or women who shoot moose (meeses?).

This is the most distasteful, antagonistic, dishonest presidential campaign I've ever seen, and I am putting my foot down. It will not run my life anymore, it will not affect my mood anymore. From now on at the gym in the morning, I'll be watching videos while I'm on the elliptical. Or maybe smoothie ads. No more CNN and FOX.

I'm not even going to watch SNL anymore.

It's over for me. I'm done. Let's talk about the weather.


Abby Franquemont said...

Man, I'm jealous. I'm still stuck being an Ohio undecided voter. I was hoping there'd be some great bribes in it or something, but so far it's just depressing.

This may indeed be the year I write in Darth Vader.

Kelly said...

Okay...there are snowflakes in the air today here