Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Each week, Ryan's class has a "question of the week" they must answer with six sentences. This week's question: "Why do we remember September 11, 2001?" Ryan knows a little bit about that day, but last night he asked Rus and I to really explain it to him. His resulting sentences were tremously deep and illustrated how powerful the simple thoughts of a child can be.

Their school plans to hold a prayer service at the flagpole tomorrow morning, around 8:45 a.m., and both children have asked to wear red, white and blue in honor of Patriot Day.

It's been seven years, but I can tell you every detail of where I was and exactly what I was doing that horrible morning. About 11 a.m. that day, Anna Katherine's school called to announce they were closing; they told the children it was an unexpected and fun "family day." When AK arrived home, I realized I couldn't remain glued to the news as I had been all morning. We did art projects in the playroom and sat in the grass outside with little baby Ryan. I couldn't wait for Rus to get home. I was trying so hard to stay spiritual and pray, but it was almost overwhelming at times.

As I told my children about September 11 yesterday afternoon, I couldn't keep myself from choking up. They don't understand - they think silly Mama is just crying about something she saw on TV. They don't get it, the depth of feeling, the violation we felt, the fear, the complete helplessness. I hope and pray to God above they never, ever understand.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Isn't it funny how the reality of that day still overwhelms us? Even though I remember every detail of where I was like you do, I still look back at "that day" as this distant, horrible thing rather than the reality of the event. I got choked up listening to children of one of the victims give their account of that day - did you see that on the news?